Former electrician secures benefits and compensation after mesothelioma diagnosis
Mr C was diagnosed with Mesothelioma, an asbestos related terminal illness. He was 81 years old and lived with his wife. Throughout his working life he was employed in heavy industry including John Brown’s Shipyard in Clydebank. Mr C was an electrician.
Immediately following this diagnosis at Gartnavel General Hospital he was seen by The Welfare Rights Officer at the clinic. A benefit check was carried out and an application for Attendance Allowance (a non means tested benefit for people, over 65 who have care needs) was made. Due to the severity of his diagnosis, this was successful and paid, within 10 days of applying, at the Higher Rate of £85.60 per week.
As Mr C’s mobility was affected, referrals were made to The Local Authority’s Health and Social Care Department, requesting a Home Care Services assessment, as well as an Occupational Therapy assessment. These resulted in Mr C receiving a home care service and the provision of Aids and Adaptations throughout his home.
Clydebank Asbestos Group, is renowned for it’s experience and expertise in dealing with Asbestos related claims for Government Benefits and Civil Damages claims. Mr C was visited at home by one of the team of Volunteers from CAG. Applications were made for Industrial Injuries Benefit and Pneumoconiosis Workers Compensation Payment. The volunteer kept Mr C informed and updated regularly, with the progress of these applications. Both of these were successful and Mr C received £169.70 per week and a one off payment of £13,590.00
CAG referred Mr C to Digby Brown Solicitors, a leading firm of Personal Injury Lawyers, who took on his case, on a no win – no fee basis. They raised a Civil Damages Claim against some of Mr C’s former employers, who had knowingly exposed him to the extremely hazardous and dangerous asbestos, with absolutely no personal protection in place.
Sadly, due to the poor prognosis and severity of Mr C’s illness, he died before the successful outcome of his case.

His wife was awarded a Civil Compensation payment in excess of £130,000. Mr C’s son and daughter also received a compensation payment in excess of £50,000 each and each of his grandchildren also received payments.
Mrs C was very grateful for the care attention and excellent service provided by both Clydebank Asbestos Group and Digby Brown Solicitors.
This case study raises awareness of the need to claim compensation where appropriate. It shows the emphasis here at Clydebank Asbestos Group is on patient centred care, flexibility and ease of access. It is important to know that a claim has to be submitted within 3 years of date of diagnosis of any asbestos related condition. It is therefore imperative that this deadline is met as it is a legal requirement.
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